Superstructure search: search for compounds with the current structure as superset.Substructure search: search for compounds with the current structure as subset.Similarity search: search for compounds with a similar structural formula.These functions allow you to perform some advanced searches through the PubChem database using the structural formula from the sketcher. This redirects you to the web-page for the current 3D model on the website of its source database (except when the model is resolved using the Chemical Identifier Resolver) Advanced search This shows a new layer where you can view molecular spectra of the current structural formula (loaded from the Sketcher) More details are covered in the Spectroscopy chapter. This collects and displays information about the structural formula. CIF file: exports a Crystallographic Information File from the 3D model (crystal structures).PDB file: exports a Protein Data Bank file from the 3D model (macromolecules).MOL file: exports a MDL Molfile from the 3D model (common molecules).

3D model image: model snapshot (PNG, alpha channel in Glmol and ChemDoodle).Structural formula image: sketcher snapshot (PNG with alpha channel).You can also copy the URL from the address bar in order to link to the current structure. Note that the linked structure is the one which is currently displayed in the model window. You can embed a specific compound, macromolecule or crystal using the provided URL or HTML code. The Tools menu contains several utility functions which are listed below. You can use the element to create new atoms or modify existing atoms. In this toolbar you can select from a number of elements, you can also pick an element from the periodic table using the last button. Charge: increment (+) or decrement (-) the charge of atoms.Fragments: pick one of the fragments (benzene, cyclopropane, etc.) and add fragments.Bonds: pick one of the bond types (single, double, triple, up, down) and add or modify bonds.2D to 3D: converts the structural formula into a 3D model.Clean: cleans the structural formula using an external service.

Ketcher: Chemical 2D data reader/writer.The Virtual Model Kit has been a source of inspiration for the birth of this project. This web application is built on top of the JavaScript libraries and online services listed below. You can use MolView to search through different scientific databases including compound databases, protein databases and spectral databases, and view records from these databases as interactive visualizations using WebGL and HTML5 technologies. MolView is an intuitive, Open-Source web-application to make science and education more awesome! MolView is mainly intended as web-based data visualization platform.