Ona block
Ona block


The monster spawner attempts to spawn 4 mobs at randomly chosen points within the spawning volume, then wait anywhere from 200 to 799 ticks (10 to 39.95 seconds) before spawning again. Horizontally, a mob can spawn with its center point anywhere within range, but vertically, mobs spawn with their legs at either the same layer as the monster spawner block, one block above it, or one block below it. not aligned to blocks), they are spawned at an integer y-coordinate. While mobs are spawned at fractional x and z-coordinates (i.e. Mobs can spawn anywhere in this range that is suitable, with mobs more likely to spawn closer to the monster spawner than farther away.

ona block

In Bedrock Edition, the horizontal spawning range is 4 blocks taxicab distance, creating spawning volume extending 4 blocks in each cardinal horizontal direction from the sides of the monster spawner its horizontal cross-section is therefore diamond-shaped. In Java Edition an active monster spawner attempts to spawn mobs within a 4-block horizontal and 1-block vertical range that is, in a 9×3×9 volume centered on the monster spawner. 15.5 blocks from the monster spawner itself.


In Bedrock Edition, they have a hitbox slightly smaller than a full block, and therefore, one can walk on the edge of a supporting full block directly below the monster spawner.Ī monster spawner activates when a player that's not in Spectator mode comes within a spherical radius of 16 blocks from the center point of the block i.e. Monster spawners are transparent, but they behave like leaves in that they diffuse sky light coming from directly above. In Java Edition, zombified piglins, magma cubes, and ghasts do not spawn at all and other hostile mobs disappear immediately after spawning.

ona block

In Peaceful difficulty, monster spawners still activate but do not spawn monsters in Bedrock Edition. The monster spawner attempts to spawn four mobs around it, then waits from 10 to 39.95 seconds before spawning more. Suitable spawning locations for the block's mob type are provided in or around the spawning volume. The monster spawner spawns mobs in a 9×3×9 volume (see § Mechanics) around it when the player is within 16 blocks. Bastion Remnants One magma cube monster spawner hanging from a chain underneath a bridge in treasure rooms. Normally two are generated per fortress, but there can be fewer. Nether Fortresses One or two blaze monster spawners on fenced platforms with full-block "stairs" leading up to them. Strongholds One silverfish monster spawner in the end portal room.


It is sometimes visible through the windows from outside. Woodland Mansions Optionally one spider monster spawner, densely surrounded by cobwebs, in a rarely generated secret room on the 2nd or 3rd floor. Mineshafts Any number of cave spider monster spawners, densely surrounded by cobwebs, scattered throughout.

ona block

Monster Rooms One in the center of the monster room spawning one of the following mobs with the indicated frequency: zombie (50%), skeleton (25%), or spider (25%).

ona block

Monster spawners can generate naturally in the following places: For more information, see Breaking § Speed.

  • ↑ Times are for unenchanted tools as wielded by players with no status effects, measured in seconds.

  • Ona block