These are the Connectors that constraints can bind to. Two child nodes are created: Element and Element001. Drag the Pad node on the Elements node.These edges are owned by the Pad feature. Select the two inner edges if the washer body.Press "1" to select the front view, then tilt the view slightly back so that you have a clear view on both inner edges.Set its Label2 property to "Constraint Connectors" to describe the purpose of this node.Now we will define the Constraint Connectors of the washer component. The Body appears under the Parts node of the washer assembly. Drag the Body node and drop it on the washer assembly.Set the Label property to "Assembly000 000".Right-click on the Property Panel, then click Show all.Create a new Pad with a length of "2 mm".Constrain their diameters to "8.3" and "16 mm".Create two circles with their center constrained to the sketch origin.Select the asm project node in the model tree.Create a new project file, and save it under the name "asm.fcstd".
We will deepen the gained knowledge, and see how to get around some unexpected obstacles. The necessary Connectors and ConnectorLinks are created implicitly, and bound to the geometry elements.Įnough theory, the next chapter is a hands-on tutorial. Optional: Rename and/or describe implicitly created Connector nodes.Therefore the workflow is not very well suited for beginners to learn the concept of Connectors. When a Constraint is created, Connectors and ConnectorLinks are created implicitly, often without being noticed. Example: A perforated plate - there are potentially hundreds of holes, but only a few will be used to mate with other components. This workflow for creating constraints is well suited for components with a prohibitive number of potential mating interfaces, and/or where it is likely that only a few of them will be used by the component user. The component user creates them as needed, directly from geometry elements. The component designer simply does not wrap the component in an assembly container, or omits the definition of Connectors. The alternative workflow in Assembly 3 is very similar, if not identical, to assembly workbenches that do not have the notion of Constraint Connectors or its equivalent.