With read and write speeds in excess of 3 Gigabytes per second, you'll see load times that simply aren't possible with a regular SSD, not to mention spinning hard drives. That's why we only pair our high-performance processors with the best enterprise-grade NVMe storage on the market. A fast processor is useless if it's always waiting for data to be loaded from the slow storage. Storage is make-or-break for a website's performance. Their excellent performance lets your server handle many requests simultaneously, process data from requests that are made, and run several services at once with ease. Our CPUs are the latest-generation Intel® Xeon® Gold processors. It comes down to three main factors: CPU, Storage, and Network.

You need a high-performance server that can handle the visitors and requests that are being made to your website. Our servers are built to serve users like you with a premium, high-quality hosting experience that focuses on giving you convenience and transparency above all. And if you need some extra performance, our admins can help by optimizing your VPS specifically for your needs - this is a custom optimization that varies from server to server, and is not just a cookie-cutter configuration. Our gigabit uplink and data center are less than 100 miles away from the population center of the United States, allowing you to experience low latency and your TeamSpeak server's excellent responsiveness. The latest-generation server hardware combined with enterprise-grade solid-state storage ensures that there are no bottlenecks present at any point. Our cutting-edge infrastructure also goes the distance in providing you with a quality TeamSpeak hosting experience.
It's like having a full server for anything that you might need. For example, you can have a website and email server set up by our expert admins (or by yourself), and still use TeamSpeak as you normally would.
Your TeamSpeak server at RoseHosting isn't limited to just TeamSpeak - some hosting providers limit what you can do with your server depending on the software you have, but not us - you can use your server for anything alongside TeamSpeak.
We provide full support with our root-privileged servers, allowing you to configure your VPS to your heart's content knowing that you're in safe hands.Ī 100% uptime guarantee ensures that your server will be up every single time that you need it, and our free migration lets you easily bring any existing data that you have from another hosting provider. Having root access usually means that you're on your own for support with other hosting providers - but that's not the case with us. Full root access gives you the complete control and flexibility that you need when running a VPS. Our full weekly backups will provide you with a safety net in case something destructive occurs on your server. The features we provide go further than fantastic fully-managed support. Just submit a ticket through our client area, or use our live chat system and have your problems solved in mere minutes. They are available 24/7 to help you out with almost any issue you may have, no matter the size. Our best-in-industry technical support consists of admins that are experts in Linux system administration and are experienced across all forms of software platforms for Linux servers. Reliable and high-performance servers combined with our award-winning technical support team will provide you with a hosting experience that you simply can't find anywhere else. If you need a reliable platform on which to host your TeamSpeak server, we've got just the thing.